Golf Course Operations: Features to Improve

Every business has a target audience. For golf courses, whether private or municipal, the focus is on golfers. Course management has a mixed reputation. While golfing facilities offer a degree of helpful service ranging from basic (civil) to high-end (friendly; work hard to give golfers a great experience), there are many operational aspects that could be better.

Running a golf course requires attention to many details, but the foundation for success with courses, and any business for that matter, is considering customers first. While they are not always right, clients do keep facilities operating and staff paid. One important aspect of responsible management is having Tee to Green Insurance. Not only does it protect financial assets, but it also shows clients you are serious about your business. Here are some other golf course management tips to keep your tees in top shape.

Quality Nosh

Golfers appreciate quality food and drinks at reasonable prices. For courses that have only basic facilities or carts, an option to upgrade includes outsourcing. Some public courses have joined with specialist vendors to create delicious ways clients can relax after 18 holes. For golfers and their guests, nice eats go a long way toward satisfaction. For you, tasty food and beverages help boost your reputation. You can even provide food for the public at large, which can increase profits.

Steady Pace

An important part of improving your golf course is monitoring the pace of play. Creating a good pace, perhaps four hours to play the course, involves attention in multiple areas. For example, thick, rough undergrowth can hamper ball hunts. This is handled by good course grooming. Another way to keep play moving is to hire a course marshal. Keeping play flowing through the course is important for giving the golfers an enjoyable experience.

Accessible Drinking Water

Golfers need easy, regular access to drinking water while on the green. You could provide coolers located every two or three holes, for example, or supply coolers on golf carts. Ultimately, this is a safety issue, as is carrying Tee to Green Insurance.

Reliable Security

Golf clubs are expensive. Provide reliable security at bag drop areas to prevent thefts of equipment. Some busy municipal courts may not be able to afford dedicated security staff, but all courses should explore creative approaches to offering some level of protection.

Helpful Instruction

Most recreational golfers would benefit from a lesson or two. A helpful practice is for golf instructors to walk around the range when it is busy and offer quick, free tips. This might encourage golfers to sign up for paid lessons. You can make instructions accessible to more people by offering less expensive half-hour lessons as well as 45-minute and hour-long sessions. The better people are at golf, the more they will want to play.

About T2Green Insurance

At T2Green Insurance, we’re dedicated to providing the golfing community with the best insurance possible. Our expansive policies cover everything from storm damage on your golf course to your liquor liability inside the club. To schedule your consultation and get your tee the coverage it needs, call us today at 844-223-9005 or email us at


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T2Green Insurance Program

201 King of Prussia Rd., Suite 650

Radnor, PA 19087

Phone: 844-223-9005
