How Can Golf Courses Attract More Clientele?

Running a successful golf course takes a lot of work. It also requires wearing many hats. You must tend to the business aspect of your course. However, you must also constantly consider the health of the grass and trees as well as the condition of features such as water and sand pits. While golfers may look forward to a relaxing afternoon, you are always working hard behind the scenes.

Part of managing a lucrative golf course is having a regular flow of clients, both on the course and in connected facilities, whether shops, bars, restaurants, or hotels. These suggestions of how to attract more golfers to your course will help you keep business booming.


The foundation of all golf course marketing ideas is promotion. Many golf courses do not maximize marketing opportunities. Hosting outings is an obvious choice to draw people to you, where you can then promote offerings such as memberships, lessons, and shop items. Advertising your facilities is much easier than in former days, but you must take the initiative. Do not rely on word-of-mouth bookings. Some ways to reach out to people include:

  • An easy-to-use, attractive website
  • Social media platforms
  • Email campaigns

Respond quickly and politely to public enquiries, as those approaching you may also be contacting other golfing facilities. With so much unpredictability surrounding public events, golf courses depend on Tee to Green Insurance to protect profits and financial assets from unexpected mishaps. Many customers may also appreciate that you have coverage.

Offer Packages

Package options offer the most opportunities to attract the widest spectrum of clientele. When you are responding to consumer questions, you must be able to answer clearly right away. Therefore, you need to establish pricing and options. Printing brochures and including this information on your website is also part of best marketing practices.

Many golf courses offer prices per individual, but the most inclusive plans are flexible. Another option is pricing for group size categories, such as 25 to 50 people, 50 to 100 people, and so on. To potentially attract even more people, another good choice is to offer pricing for unique needs. Depending on your particular facility, this might include after-party considerations for groups such as light finger foods or hotel room packages.

Be Flexible and Accommodating

Unless customers to your course are veteran event promoters, they will look to you for advice and help in making their event a success. Try to be helpful at every stage, whether that means renting out the entire club to a customer or catering food for event guests. Many customers will welcome creative solutions to help their events run as smoothly as possible. If an event helps people enjoy themselves and turns out well, the customer is more likely to turn to you again to host future events.

About T2Green Insurance

At T2Green Insurance, we’re dedicated to providing the golfing community with the best insurance possible. Our expansive policies cover everything from storm damage on your golf course to your liquor liability inside the club. To schedule your consultation and get your tee the coverage it needs, call us today at 844-223-9005 or email us at


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201 King of Prussia Rd., Suite 650

Radnor, PA 19087

Phone: 844-223-9005
