Preparing Golf Course Water Features for Hot Weather

Preparing golf course water features for the inevitability of hot water is vital to ensuring that your course flourishes and succeeds. With the summer sunshine and more foot traffic, golf course superintendents must prepare for the season in critical ways to keep the grounds looking and functioning optimally. Many golf courses have water features to help provide an inviting and beautiful atmosphere. However, they require much tending. With the proper tending and care, they can be well worth it. Pond aerators are helpful to constantly move oxygen through water, maintaining a healthy ecosystem. If the golf course water becomes contaminated from turf care chemicals, debris from storms, or simply from the traffic from people, fountains and aerators can help keep the body of water much healthier. Water features should undoubtedly be part of the quality maintenance checklist. If it is neglected, it will be a distraction for visitors, and it also can lead to costly repairs.

Remove Debris

It is worth your while to regularly remove pond debris, especially after it has been through some harsh weather conditions. There are typically many storms in the spring, so staying up on cleaning out the water features will help the aerators operate much easier. Debris will affect the aerator’s productivity and causes it to work overtime. One way to clear out debris is with a net. If the pond is pretty large, you may consider using a rowboat to clean it manually. It is also beneficial to check on the aerator or mixer immediately after a storm has hit to ensure the propeller or intake is not clogged up. A buildup of debris in a body of water with an aerator or mixer could be highly damaging to the equipment. Managing debris is a key element to caring for the water feature and to help ensure longevity for your fountains to function.

Also, be sure to keep algae management in mind as it easily grows on stagnant bodies of water very quickly and can become a biohazard.

Inspect the Fountain

Clean and inspect all water features for nicks and wear. Assess the attached power cable by disconnecting it, washing it off, and thoroughly looking for existing or potential issues. Promptly replace parts if need be. After the cleaning, run the fountains for a while to help you determine if you need to replace any parts. You might want to contact an expert to help you with the replacement. Consider the importance of tee to green insurance to assist you when things go wrong.


It is important to frequently monitor the water levels (at least every month). Check water clarity as well as insufficient oxygen levels. Some signs of unhealthy water include algae, odors, or sediment buildup. Monitoring the water consistently will help you to recognize when it is time to step in and make some improvements. Consider contacting an expert if you are ever unsure. Maintenance will always be part of caring for a golf course and its water features. However, there are certain upgrades available in the market if you have it in your budget to make life easier for the superintendent and/or make the fountains even more engaging. Since many fountains run during the evening in the summer, to conserve energy, you can use Bluetooth technology for more control remotely.

About T2 Green Insurance

T2Green insurance provides the best customized and comprehensive protection for your club, resort, or golf management business. Our niche expertise and sole focus is ensuring this class, while our industry professionals are dedicated to providing exceptional results so that you can feel confident with your coverage. T2Green offers specialized coverage options that are unique in the industry. With our exclusive program unlike anything else on the market, you can feel peace of mind with protection that is tailored to your club’s unique needs. T2Green is driven by innovation and responsiveness in both coverage solutions and customer service. We understand the challenges that are presented in varying locations and seasons to write policies for clubs from coast to coast and everywhere in between so you can operate with confidence, no matter what conditions arise. Reach us at 844-223-9005 with any questions or so we can begin tailoring a package that works best for your club.


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